A total of 30 Japanese gravure idols, ranging from A-K cup sizes, got together to provide images for the life-sized collection.
If there’s one thing Japan loves, it’s a nice, glossy reference book. Whether it’s young women’s bedrooms or schoolgirls leaping over men firing guns, readers can choose from a wide array of photo books exploring all types of niche subjects, and now there’s a new release honing in on one of the world’s most beloved topics: women’s breasts.
Called the Full-Sized Breasts Reference Book, this photo-filled tome aims to draw attention to the world of bosoms, using busty images from Japan’s most popular gravure idols. And to heighten the realism of the photos, each pair of breasts is full-sized – for reference purposes, of course.
あおみんの部分だけ切り売りして欲しい https://t.co/8eLlrjMtKh
✞たなとす✞ (@tanatosn) August 02, 2017
Nanoka, an H-cup gravure idol whose assets appear on the front cover, released this short video ahead of the book’s nationwide release on 2 August. The clip shows that the photo collection really does deliver on its promise of providing readers with images of life-sized breasts.
Nanoka wasn’t the only gravure idol to share photos of the book online, with Eimi Matsushima and Saki Funaoka also bringing the new release to the attention of their followers.
#おっぱい図鑑 https://t.co/iniPJ82CKs
松嶋えいみ♡ (@XxEimy) August 02, 2017
amazonさんでも。 amazon.co.jp/dp/4758015678/…
船岡のちっぱいも堪能できますので、ぜひ♪一足先に見たけどすご… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
船岡咲 (@saki_nyahon) August 02, 2017
K-cup representative Nonoko promoted the compilation on social media, mentioning that the book also contains data about all the different breasts featured.
#原寸大おっぱい図鑑 https://t.co/781vIgYxjj
のの子▷8/6大阪、8/7名古屋、 (@nonoko0629) August 02, 2017
The book has been in the works for some time now, with popular gravure idols sharing news of the photo shoot with their followers back in June.
撮影をしてきました ♩
よろしくお願いいたします 📚💓
おしゃべりして楽しかった〜 ♡♡
#原寸大おっぱい図鑑 https://t.co/UYtcdBy0pe
葉月ゆめ (@yume_hazuki) June 24, 2017
菜乃花 ブログを更新しました。 『「原寸大おっぱい図鑑」?!』【画像8枚】
菜乃花@なのかっぷる (@nnk_77) June 23, 2017
The new release is already receiving a massive amount of support from fans, with customers like this one hoping they’ll continue the series with a nude version in the future.
神戸市西区・明石でアイドル&アダルトDVDなら当店へ!本日は新入荷書籍のお知らせっ!多方面で話題の「原寸大おっぱい図鑑」が入荷しております。これ結構圧巻の仕上がりです…見開き1ページまるまる原寸大おっぱいですから…次回はヌードバー… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
信長書店 神戸伊川谷店公式twitter (@nobunaga_kobe) August 02, 2017
The Full-Sized Breasts Reference Book retails for 2,700 yen (US$24.44) and is available to purchase from bookstores and online retailers like Amazon Japan.
1F写真集売場本日の新刊は #一迅社 さん #原寸大おっぱい図鑑 、総勢30名のグラビアアイドルのAカップからKカップまでのおっぱいを楽しむことができる、表紙はIカップのグラビアアイドル・菜乃花ちゃん、もち全年齢向けばい(どすえて… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
信長書店 四条店@妹のさつきです。 (@Nobunaga008) August 02, 2017
▼ Story-time has never looked more appealing.
本屋さんで探すの大変ならこちらからね→ amazon.co.jp/%E5%8E%9F%E5%A…
#実寸大おっぱい図鑑 https://t.co/uWtoE17DMn
菜乃花@なのかっぷる (@nnk_77) August 02, 2017
While we’ll have to wait to find out whether there’ll be another photo book release in the future, if they do decide to continue with the series, here’s hoping they all decide to get together for the next launch with a photo party event like these gravure idols did last summer.
Sources: Twitter/@nnk_77, Amazon Japan
Featured image: Instagram/nanoka0707