Unfortunately, some clothing items seem to have mysteriously gone missing.
Japan’s Young Jump magazine is primarily a manga magazine but they also dabble in girls wearing cosplay outfits. In a recent Young Jump edition professional cosplayer Enako graced the front cover. But that’s not all folks. The geniuses at Young Jump thought “How can we get a little interaction happening between our model and the audience?”
▼ The Young Jump edition with Enako on the front cover
【オフショ人気アンケート】YJ12号表紙はえなこちゃん!今回は部活動をテーマに5つのコスプレを披露!この後その5つの衣装のオフショをアップします。2月20日(月)23:59時点でリツイートとファボの合計が最も多かった衣装だけ特別画… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
“I know, how about an online survey where people can vote for what they want her to wear?” I can imagine one staff member proposing, all excited-like.
Well, they actually went through with this gem of an idea. And Twitter benefitted.
So without further ado here are the top five most requested outfits for Enako, according to the Young Jump survey.
We’ll start with number five:
【オフショ人気アンケート企画】その⑤『帰宅部、休業中』色々な衣装を着ているえなこちゃんにスタンダードなセーラー服を着せたいという願望から始まって、いつの間にやら…。。 #えなこ #ヤンジャン #コスプレ https://t.co/CjqFejZNwk
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
According to Young Jump this was the fifth-most-popular requested outfit. The tweet says the uniform represents “no school club affiliation, taking a break”. The photo shoot “started out from requests of the standard sailor suit uniform” but it transcended (or descended) into this. Not sure though if having no skirt/pants still classifies as cosplay.
Coming in at what I assume is number four (but actually says “number 1” on the tweet) is the “tennis club princess.”
【オフショ人気アンケート企画】その①『テニス部…の姫』こんな子がいたら、部活成り立たないだろうなぁ、という事です。 #えなこ #ヤンジャン #コスプレ https://t.co/Czt4byR2yh
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
Can’t say I’ve seen any girl wearing anything close to this at Wimbledon.
And at number three we have “drama club girl”:
【オフショ人気アンケート企画】その③『演劇部ひとり』モチーフは「白雪姫」。この美術神がかってたり、えなこちゃんのスカートの下の水着(注:見せてもいい使用ですよ)が、とんでもデザインだったり…おみせできてないものが多い悔しいシチュエ… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
The Young Jump group says they were disappointed they couldn’t show off Enako’s swimsuit under the skirt in this photo – oh the humanity!
The second-most-requested cosplay outfit for Enako was the “high-class swimming club member.”
【オフショ人気アンケート企画】その②『高級会員制水泳部』水泳部のはずが、スタイリストさんの天才的発案で何だかオカシナ方向に(笑)。今回最もセクシーですが、とても品がある。何故か自然とお金を払いたくなる感じがするので、こんなタイトル… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
Apparently lace rabbit ears are all the craze in those upper class school swimming clubs in Japan these days.
And number one, drum roll please, the “official baseball club.”
【オフショ人気アンケート企画】その①『公式野球部』前回の「うらたろう」の千代&安徳に続き、今回は「BUNGO-ブンゴ-」ユニフォーム風水着!もはやYJ公式レイヤー!? 背景には本当に静央のユニが!「公式」と「硬式」のダジャレです…… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
グラビアヤンジャン (@g_youngjump) February 17, 2017
Not sure if this was chosen because this was the same outfit Enako wore on the front cover, or because baseball is amazingly popular in Japan, or because skin is a prominent feature of the outfit.
Last year, Enako was recently in the news for claiming she earned more in two days at Comiket than most people make all year. Maybe its time to swap the keyboard for some cosplay activities.
And if you haven’t seen enough, here are some more Enako cosplay photo shoots – just for anyone whose interested in the art of costume design.
Source: LiveDoor, Twitter/g_youngjump
Feature image: Twitter/@g_youngjump